Event Hooks =========== Pygame Zero will automatically pick up and call event hooks that you define. This approach saves you from having to implement the event loop machinery yourself. Game Loop Hooks --------------- A typical game loop looks a bit like this:: while game_has_not_ended(): process_input() update() draw() Input processing is a bit more complicated, but Pygame Zero allows you to easily define the ``update()`` and ``draw()`` functions within your game module. .. function:: draw() Called by Pygame Zero when it needs to redraw your game window. ``draw()`` must take no arguments. Pygame Zero attempts to work out when the game screen needs to be redrawn to avoid redrawing if nothing has changed. On each step of the game loop it will draw the screen in the following situations: * If you have defined an ``update()`` function (see below). * If a clock event fires. * If an input event has been triggered. One way this can catch you out is if you attempt to modify or animate something within the draw function. For example, this code is wrong: the alien is not guaranteed to continue moving across the screen:: def draw(): alien.left += 1 alien.draw() The correct code uses ``update()`` to modify or animate things and draw simply to paint the screen:: def draw(): alien.draw() def update(): alien.left += 1 .. function:: update() or update(dt) Called by Pygame Zero to step your game logic. This will be called repeatedly, 60 times a second. There are two different approaches to writing an update function. In simple games you can assume a small time step (a fraction of a second) has elapsed between each call to ``update()``. Perhaps you don't even care how big that time step is: you can just move objects by a fixed number of pixels per frame (or accelerate them by a fixed constant, etc.) A more advanced approach is to base your movement and physics calculations on the actual amount of time that has elapsed between calls. This can give smoother animation, but the calculations involved can be harder and you must take more care to avoid unpredictable behaviour when the time steps grow larger. To use a time-based approach, you can change the update function to take a single parameter. If your update function takes an argument, Pygame Zero will pass it the elapsed time in seconds. You can use this to scale your movement calculations. Event Handling Hooks -------------------- Similar to the game loop hooks, your Pygame Zero program can respond to input events by defining functions with specific names. Somewhat like in the case of ``update()``, Pygame Zero will inspect your event handler functions to determine how to call them. So you don't need to make your handler functions take arguments. For example, Pygame Zero will be happy to call any of these variations of an ``on_mouse_down`` function:: def on_mouse_down(): print("Mouse button clicked") def on_mouse_down(pos): print("Mouse button clicked at", pos) def on_mouse_down(button): print("Mouse button", button, "clicked") def on_mouse_down(pos, button): print("Mouse button", button, "clicked at", pos) It does this by looking at the names of the parameters, so they must be spelled exactly as above. Each event hook has a different set of parameters that you can use, as described below. .. function:: on_mouse_down([pos], [button]) Called when a mouse button is depressed. :param pos: A tuple (x, y) that gives the location of the mouse pointer when the button was pressed. :param button: An integer indicating the button that was pressed (see :ref:`below `). .. function:: on_mouse_up([pos], [button]) Called when a mouse button is released. :param pos: A tuple (x, y) that gives the location of the mouse pointer when the button was released. :param button: An integer indicating the button that was released (see :ref:`below `). .. function:: on_mouse_move([pos], [rel], [buttons]) Called when the mouse is moved. :param pos: A tuple (x, y) that gives the location that the mouse pointer moved to. :param rel: A tuple (delta_x, delta_y) that represent the change in the mouse pointer's position. :param buttons: The buttons that were depressed, if any. .. function:: on_key_down([key], [mod], [unicode]) Called when a key is depressed. :param key: An integer indicating the key that was pressed (see :ref:`below `). :param unicode: Where relevant, the character that was typed. Not all keys will result in printable characters - many may be control characters. In the event that a key doesn't correspond to a Unicode character, this will be the empty string. :param mod: A bitmask of modifier keys that were depressed. .. function:: on_key_up([key], [mod]) Called when a key is released. :param key: An integer indicating the key that was released (see :ref:`below `). :param mod: A bitmask of modifier keys that were depressed. .. function:: on_music_end() Called when a :ref:`music track ` finishes. Note that this will not be called if the track is configured to loop. .. _buttons-and-keys: Buttons and Keys '''''''''''''''' Built-in objects ``mouse`` and ``keys`` can be used to determine which buttons or keys were pressed in the above events. Note that mouse scrollwheel events appear as button presses with the below ``WHEEL_UP``/``WHEEL_DOWN`` button constants. .. class:: mouse A built-in enumeration of buttons that can be received by the ``on_mouse_*`` handlers. .. attribute:: LEFT .. attribute:: MIDDLE .. attribute:: RIGHT .. attribute:: WHEEL_UP .. attribute:: WHEEL_DOWN .. class:: keys A built-in enumeration of keys that can be received by the ``on_key_*`` handlers. .. attribute:: BACKSPACE .. attribute:: TAB .. attribute:: CLEAR .. attribute:: RETURN .. attribute:: PAUSE .. attribute:: ESCAPE .. attribute:: SPACE .. attribute:: EXCLAIM .. attribute:: QUOTEDBL .. attribute:: HASH .. attribute:: DOLLAR .. attribute:: AMPERSAND .. attribute:: QUOTE .. attribute:: LEFTPAREN .. attribute:: RIGHTPAREN .. attribute:: ASTERISK .. attribute:: PLUS .. attribute:: COMMA .. attribute:: MINUS .. attribute:: PERIOD .. attribute:: SLASH .. attribute:: K_0 .. attribute:: K_1 .. attribute:: K_2 .. attribute:: K_3 .. attribute:: K_4 .. attribute:: K_5 .. attribute:: K_6 .. attribute:: K_7 .. attribute:: K_8 .. attribute:: K_9 .. attribute:: COLON .. attribute:: SEMICOLON .. attribute:: LESS .. attribute:: EQUALS .. attribute:: GREATER .. attribute:: QUESTION .. attribute:: AT .. attribute:: LEFTBRACKET .. attribute:: BACKSLASH .. attribute:: RIGHTBRACKET .. attribute:: CARET .. attribute:: UNDERSCORE .. attribute:: BACKQUOTE .. attribute:: A .. attribute:: B .. attribute:: C .. attribute:: D .. attribute:: E .. attribute:: F .. attribute:: G .. attribute:: H .. attribute:: I .. attribute:: J .. attribute:: K .. attribute:: L .. attribute:: M .. attribute:: N .. attribute:: O .. attribute:: P .. attribute:: Q .. attribute:: R .. attribute:: S .. attribute:: T .. attribute:: U .. attribute:: V .. attribute:: W .. attribute:: X .. attribute:: Y .. attribute:: Z .. attribute:: DELETE .. attribute:: KP0 .. attribute:: KP1 .. attribute:: KP2 .. attribute:: KP3 .. attribute:: KP4 .. attribute:: KP5 .. attribute:: KP6 .. attribute:: KP7 .. attribute:: KP8 .. attribute:: KP9 .. attribute:: KP_PERIOD .. attribute:: KP_DIVIDE .. attribute:: KP_MULTIPLY .. attribute:: KP_MINUS .. attribute:: KP_PLUS .. attribute:: KP_ENTER .. attribute:: KP_EQUALS .. attribute:: UP .. attribute:: DOWN .. attribute:: RIGHT .. attribute:: LEFT .. attribute:: INSERT .. attribute:: HOME .. attribute:: END .. attribute:: PAGEUP .. attribute:: PAGEDOWN .. attribute:: F1 .. attribute:: F2 .. attribute:: F3 .. attribute:: F4 .. attribute:: F5 .. attribute:: F6 .. attribute:: F7 .. attribute:: F8 .. attribute:: F9 .. attribute:: F10 .. attribute:: F11 .. attribute:: F12 .. attribute:: F13 .. attribute:: F14 .. attribute:: F15 .. attribute:: NUMLOCK .. attribute:: CAPSLOCK .. attribute:: SCROLLOCK .. attribute:: RSHIFT .. attribute:: LSHIFT .. attribute:: RCTRL .. attribute:: LCTRL .. attribute:: RALT .. attribute:: LALT .. attribute:: RMETA .. attribute:: LMETA .. attribute:: LSUPER .. attribute:: RSUPER .. attribute:: MODE .. attribute:: HELP .. attribute:: PRINT .. attribute:: SYSREQ .. attribute:: BREAK .. attribute:: MENU .. attribute:: POWER .. attribute:: EURO .. attribute:: LAST Additionally you can access a set of constants that represent modifier keys: .. class:: keymods Constants representing modifier keys that may have been depressed during an ``on_key_up``/``on_key_down`` event. .. attribute:: LSHIFT .. attribute:: RSHIFT .. attribute:: SHIFT .. attribute:: LCTRL .. attribute:: RCTRL .. attribute:: CTRL .. attribute:: LALT .. attribute:: RALT .. attribute:: ALT .. attribute:: LMETA .. attribute:: RMETA .. attribute:: META .. attribute:: NUM .. attribute:: CAPS .. attribute:: MODE